Marianne Reiff, PhD

Emotional Freedom Technique/Mindful Tapping

To request an appointment:
[email protected].

Emotional Freedom Technique/Mindful Tapping can be used to heal anxiety, limiting beliefs, or pain and is a self-help tool that can easily be learned by anyone.
What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping?

Mindful Tapping At-a-Glance: This simple self-help technique has roots in ancient China. The Chinese discovered body meridian lines and perfected the art of acupuncture to improve physical and mental health. Tapping is used worldwide by therapists and lay persons alike – utilizing these same meridians. It is based on the idea that stuck negative emotions result from a disruption of the body’s energy system. When you release the disruption using a series of statements and tapping, energy flow is restored and so is your innate ability to heal. This makes it a powerful tool for reducing stress, anxiety and physical pain while increasing clarity and motivation.

Marianne Reiff, is a Level 3 certified EFT Practitioner and certified coach through the Gestalt International Study Center (GISC) Coaching Competency Development Program. She holds a PhD in Education with a specialization in Confluent Education – the cognitive, effective and psycho-motor domains of learning.